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World-class scenery 和 amazing experiences await in the Golden State

你可以环游世界,见证壮观的景色, 奇特的野生动物, 和 fascinating history—but you can also see a whole world’s worth of wonders right in California. Scroll through the gallery below to see the abundance 和 diversity of adventures you can have in the Golden State.




圣地亚哥野生动物园 in 埃斯孔迪多 has done a remarkable job of replicating the experience of going on an African safari, 没有任何高维护的旅行准备. See its thriving community of Ug和a giraffes (more than 100 have been born here) at the park’s Kijamii Overlook—as well as dozens of other species. 以贵宾的方式近距离参观长颈鹿 野生动物狩猎在那里,你可以加入他们的行列. (这些家伙可以吃很多东西——每天多达75磅的食物.)



Talk about getting away from it all: the salt lake Badwater Basin at 死亡谷国家公园 完全超凡脱俗. This former site of prehistoric lakes may be smaller than its look-alike in Bolivia, 但在海平面以下282英尺处, 恶水是北美的最低点,但仍然很大, 200平方英里. 在看了那令人毛骨悚然的广袤之后, 走九英里长的艺术家之路, where the sedimentary hills of the Amargosa Range can look pink, 黄金, 绿色, 或薰衣草, 尤其是在下午的阳光下. 



的 s和 dunes of Africa’s Sahara Desert may be iconic, but the s和 dunes of 死亡谷国家公园 赢得了 星际 名声. Yes, the 100-foot-high, rippled Mesquite Flat provided the location for Ta太ine in 《星球大战:新希望. 这里有三种沙丘——新月形沙丘, 线性, 和 star shaped—then enjoy some shade under the namesake mesquite trees.


California: 世界风景小道的边缘, San Bernardino County

新西兰崎岖的地形非常偏远, 但你可以在附近看到非常相似的景色 洛杉矶110英里 世界风景小道的边缘 affords sweeping views of the verdant San Bernardino Mountains 和 plenty of outdoor diversions. Take some of the fun detours along the beautiful road trip, like paddling on 箭头湖, hiking a stretch of the Pacific Crest Trail, or looking for bald eagles along the 城堡岩径 附近 大熊湖.



California is without peer when it comes to its wealth 和 variety of 皮尔斯. Consider the small romantic 皮尔斯 in Northern California to the amusement park–lined 皮尔斯 of Santa Cruz 和 Santa Monica, 和1一起,在800英尺高的地方 杭廷顿海滩. 的 Orange County pier bears a striking resemblance to the UK pier once called “the prettiest in the world,“而是沿着亨廷顿海滩的1,800英尺的长度, 你可以买(和乘)飞机 风筝, go 钓鱼,或举杯 1月 & 迪恩提基酒吧以演唱“Surf City”的组合命名.”



圣卡塔利娜岛 feels as far-flung as 意大利’s Amalfi Coast—but it’s just a 60-minute ferry ride from L.A. 或者从奥兰治县出发90分钟. 卡塔琳娜看起来也有点像阿玛菲, thanks to the Mediterranean-style resorts 和 homes tucked into the hillside of Avalon Bay. 漫步阿瓦隆,沉浸在古雅的氛围中, 在平静的海湾水域划皮艇或浮潜, 或者是去游览一下 卡塔利娜岛保护协会, home to the roaming bison who have lived here since an old movie shoot.



In 1905, an eccentric developer named Abbot Kinney built the 洛杉矶 County beach town of 威尼斯海滩 as an homage to his favorite 意大利 city—complete with 运河, 桥梁, 还有一个有柱廊的商业区. While much of that original town plan has disappeared, a few blocks’ worth of 运河两旁都是房屋,仍然存在. 取一个 徒步旅行 of the picturesque area, then enjoy an 意大利 dinner with California farm-to-table street cred at 费利克斯 on 阿博特金尼大道.



Architect Frank Gehry’s acclaimed design for Spain’s Guggenheim Museum may have debuted six years before the 华特迪士尼音乐厅, but architecture enthusiasts appreciate that Gehry, a longtime 洛杉矶 resident, had actually drawn up the undulating design for the L.A. 首先是爱乐乐团的新家. And while 的 Bilbao put the little 西班牙语 town on the map for art 和 architecture, 迪斯尼只是增强了L.A.它的文化地位已经很高了. 该建筑在市中心的世界级邻居包括 宽阔的, a contemporary-art museum whose “veil-和-vault” exterior is another work of art in itself.

的 World: Underwater life 附近 the SS Yongala in Queensl和, 澳大利亚


周围旋转的海底世界 海峡群岛国家公园 is so rich with life that you might think you’re actually at the Great Barrier Reef. 八岛群岛,乘渡轮即可到达 文图拉 or 奥克斯纳德, is a wonderl和 of kelp forests, sea caves, 和 countless fish, including bright orange garibaldi. See it up close by kayak, on a whale watching cruise, or on a diving trip led by operators such as 岛包装工 和 圣巴巴拉冒险公司.



春天是樱花盛开的季节, 包括日本著名的樱花, 通常在四月只持续几周. 前往加州 中央山谷, 二月开始, 然而, 你可以看到苹果, 樱桃, 桃子, 杏, 杏花可以开好几个星期, 通常会持续到四月. 从这样的点开始 贝克斯菲尔德’s 美利家庭农场它的颜色在整个季节都很流行. 或者沿着62英里的公路旅行 弗雷斯诺花丛小径,果园林立 夫勒斯诺市 到桑格、奥兰治湾和里德利等城镇. 夏天回来,沿着河边品尝丰收的果实 弗雷斯诺县水果小道.



夏天提供了广泛的户外娱乐选择 庞大的湖泊包括精英级别的山地自行车. 而其他山区度假胜地, 比如法国阿尔卑斯山脉, 可能会让除了专家以外的任何人望而生畏, 巨大的山 offers more than 80 miles of single-track trails that can accommodate every skill level. You’ll find plenty of jumps, drops, pavers, 和 berms on both the 公众径 而在 猛犸自行车公园这里是儿童探索区(Discovery Zone)的所在地. 这项运动的新手? Rentals 和 lessons are easy to come by at the Mono County bike park, 太.



Montenegro’s Tara River Canyon is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but the South Fork of the 美国河流 这里是世界一流的漂流之地. 另外,当你经过的时候,你会学到一些经典的美国历史 萨特的磨坊 in 公司想美国是淘金热的发源地. II-III级激流的黄金时间是4月到9月, 虽然第一次来的人可能更喜欢更柔和的秋天. 很多运营商,比如 or 美国白水探险队-提供一日游或多日游.



葡萄牙的国际大都市里斯本以丘陵地形为特色, 广受好评的美食场景, 还有一座非常著名的桥,被漆成“国际橙”.听起来和你知道的其他城市没什么两样? Built in 1966, Lisbon’s 25th of April Bridge is indeed impressive… but it doesn’t hold a c和le to 旧金山比它早了29年的美国金门大桥. You can explore Joseph Strauss’ masterpiece by going to the Golden Gate Bridge’s 欢迎中心,然后要么走1.或者租一辆自行车 金门大桥自行车租赁, 燃烧的马鞍, or 轮乐车租赁.



When 意大利 settlers first experienced California’s rolling hills 和 Mediterranean-like climate, they realized they had found a l和 with excellent grape-growing potential, 就像他们的祖国一样. That experiment has worked out well all over the state, from Napa to Lodi to Temecula. 今天,味道 索诺玛县 向意大利皮埃蒙特丘陵地区致敬的葡萄酒, 比如希尔兹堡市中心的内比奥罗和科蒂斯 Idlewild葡萄酒或者桑娇维塞葡萄酒 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉酒厂它是由一位更现代的意大利裔美国人创办的.



Northern California’s rocky coastline offers drama 和 a feeling of solitude for miles, 从传奇性的1号公路上可以很容易地看到其中的大部分. 巨大的巨石守护着幸福的海景 奇诺县 may remind you a little of 澳大利亚’s sea stacks known as the 12 Apostles, 但风景仍在不断展现. 你可以探索25英里 失落的海岸小径 用脚, 太, especially on the most easily accessible trails between Shelter Cove 和 the Mattole River, 北部的 布拉格堡.

世界:Mt. 富士山,日本

加州:太. 沙士达山

日本最高的山(海拔:12),380 feet) is rich with both climbing opportunities 和 spiritual meaning for locals 和 visitors alike. 同样的道理 山沙士达山 (which, if you’re keeping score, st和s at over 14,100 feet high) in Siskiyou县. It has inspired Native American legends 和 was named “沙士达山” by settlers, 取自俄语中永恒幸福的单词. It still attracts those looking for nature-rich reflection: 取一个 hike among the summer wildflowers, 或者甚至预定一个冥想 Mt. 沙士达山撤退.

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